Monday, October 02, 2006

Robs Place

Robs chalet, situated just up the hill from mine is looking great. They have had a guy named Matt in (that's his van) and he and another friend have varnished all the bits that hadn't been varnished before and they have painted the concrete. The place looks really nice.

Rob found this "paint" called Crepy and we were hoping that it would solve numerous problems concerning the quality of finish of the concrete both inside and out. After seeing the outside painted in this stuff, I was very disappointed. It is actually just sand textured paint. I thought it was more like artex and would be a lot thicker. It would have smoothed out more imperfections and achieved a better finish. Never mind, I will have to find out what they use here in Switzerland as I want the same finish I have here in my apartment inside my chalet.

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