Monday, October 30, 2006

News from the front...

Matt reports that a lorry load of pre formed timber has arrived on site today. Could this mean that that are serious about getting it finished before the weather breaks? Interestingly, Hervè promised to inform me of the date that the carpenters would start, but like many other things I have not heard a word other than an email on the 25 Oct in response to mine thanking him for the meeting and requesting the electric drawings (showing all the plugs, light sockets and cable runs). He did not mention the start date for the carpenters.

Sometimes I wonder if he really knows what is going on!

My next visit will be towards the end of November. I now want to go earlier, to see the timber going up, but family commitments mean I will have to wait until around the 25th November before I can see it.

On a unrelated techy note, I am using the newly released Firefox 2.0 to enter this blog and the spell checker is wonderful. Cant think why we never had one before! I will have to go back through all my previous posts and fix all the terrible spelling mistakes!


Anonymous said...

So what happen if the rooms you thought were rather too small to be considered a double room?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment, As far as the room size is concerned, I am a bit stuck with the size really. (barring demolition and starting the whole process again) I have two double rooms and two single rooms. I may be able to squeeze a double bed into the single rooms. I will have to decide when I come to install the bathroom walls. How far can I push them to give enough room in the bathroom and enough room in the bedroom.