Friday, October 17, 2008

Again the Bank needs watching

I should have known better, I spent so long uming and ahing about calling the Notaire, when I finally did it, they dont have the papers from the bank!
So I call the bank and Oh yes I will get head office to send the papers!

The bank said they would send all the papers when I signed them. So what happened?

Aahrrrggg this makes me mad - mostly at my self for dicking about and not calling the Notaire when I should have done. Why do I put this stuff off only to find that something or someone else else was waiting about to be pushed into doing something !!

Well it turns out the bank did send the papers and the notaire had just misplaced them!
After a confusing call to the notaire I now have my appointment. I just have to get there with my wife. The kids are back in school so that's another problem. O well I have my appointment the rest will have to be sorted around it!

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