Hervè has sent me some more photos, they are, by his admission not very good pictures but I think you can see the idea. The wood is going up, quite definitely.

This photo shows the end wall of the salon, that should be nearly all glass and you can see the protuberance around the top of the concrete. The quality is bad but the chalet looks great. I really can not wait to see it again. It is a shame I have to wait until the end of November.

This one shows the side seen from Robs Chalet, you can see the front door and the small window beside it above which are two big windows which will light the mezzanine. and to the left are two more holes for windows into the salon. The fireplace should be visible, eventually through the first of these.
Hey Richard,
Where is the Chalet, is it in Morzine? We have just got planning permission to build a 4 bed chalet in the garden of http://www.chaletlecoffy.co.uk
It makes interesting reading your project, I expect we will contract out out work completly to a local builder. Is this what you would recommend?
I am back in Morzine myself from 9th December so if the chalet is in Morzine i would be interested to look around.
Is it possible?
Just read all you blog in detail. Where is it in Morzine?
Herve had done our plans and we are thinking of having him project manage also.
Would love to meet up for a chat in Dec if your there.
Do you know where my place is? Its next to Cafe Chaud.
Hi Richard,
So how is the chalet doing? I was in Morzine for quite a bit of August, and bach there in Oct. We are about to plan for the new chalet build, your comments are interesting about your projest and Herve...
Would like to meet up and discuss sometime.
Ian Mercer
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