Well, my son and I went to Morzine yesterday and met with Julian, who is a very nice man. We arranged the buildings insurance and I gave him the two invoices from Hervè and he said they would be paid early this week! Fantastic I have the money sorted.
I was also supposed to meet Hervè and have a look around my building site. Well Hervè told me he was busy Saturday morning but would be free all afternoon. His office was closed all afternoon, He used to live next door and apparently doesn't any more and they had no idea where he was , and the hotel that his family own was all closed up too. So the man who is organising the building of my chalet and the man I have just sent a large sum of money has basically disappeared! No it cant be that bad. I will speak to him on Monday cos I have a few questions.
Like where the hell are the electric cable ducts ?

This is the cave or storage room in the garage, now all the services for the house come in here and are distributed from here, telephone (grey ducts at the back), water (Black pipe on the left), sewage (small orange stub sticking out of the floor at the back on the left) and electricity. The electricity comes in via the big darker orange pipe/duct at the back next to the telecom ducts. That's fine, but in order to distribute the electricity a large number of smaller ducts are usually embedded into the concrete and weave there way through out the whole house allowing the wires to be passed through them and go from the distribution box (in the cave) to the appliance that needs the power. All these smaller ducts appear to be missing.

There are 2 holes in the front side of the building that are a bit strange. I want to know what they are for. There is one wrapped in blue plastic just below the window on the left and the other is a square hole near the timber in the middle of the picture. The first pipe connects to the sewage drainage for the back bathroom and the kitchen and directs all that out side. My problem is that it is basically at ground level. On the right you can see the windows in the garage, so how deep underground is the main sewage line for my chalet going to be ? A whole 100mm maybe 200. Strange and its stuff like this I needed to ask Hervè about but that is a bit difficult when I cant find him!

Some other interesting stuff that really inspires confidence in these guys is the fact that they appear to have forgotten a doorway and then had to cut it out of the wall slab. Not the greatest photo but you can see where they have cut the door out . The other side of the hole is the same. So what happened there then?
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