Thursday, March 01, 2007

Robs Chalet is finished!

Robs Chalet is finished. We were there this week and installed his garage doors and the EDF has installed his proper mains electricity. So his chalet is now finished. Apart from the million and one little things to do, but he is not reliant on any one now. All the official jobs are done, well actually I just thought of one thing he might not have done yet. The marie that gave him his planning permission has to sign off the chalet to say its built properly. Maybe this has already been done. I will ask.

Anyway we were there on Monday night to Wednesday and most of that was spent fixing the last bits of wiring for Robs electrics before the EDF came to turn him all on. Biggest surprise is that apparently we are 3 phase.

Three Phase electricity. Not much of a problem but as Rob had designed his consumer unit on the assumption that the supply would a single phase it was a bugger to change it all around in order to accommodate three phase. But the electrician had sorted most of that out before Robs inspection. He passed his inspection and that is why he was able to get full power turned on yesterday, up until then he was only on a temporary supply which kept tripping out.

In my chalet we drilled some holes through concrete floors and walls in order to run the gaine through and allow the installation of the switches and light fittings.
Not a huge amount of work but important to do. I need to do a huge cabling job now and run some serious amounts of cable into the house. Rob has given me a load of cable which he was using to get power from his temporary supply, about 50 meters of 10mm blue and red which will sort out the appliances in the kitchen. Quite expensive stuff so I save a bit there, Thanks Rob. We also salvaged the electric box and contents that housed the temporary supply so hopefully I can reuse that as well. I need to speak to Hervè about establishing a temporary supply as they will not be able to hack into robs any more. After we had fitted Robs garage doors Rob gave me the panels that were replaced. It is just a shame they do not fit in my garage door holes! Mine are considerably bigger both ways than Robs are.

The company that makes the garage doors is owned by our next door neighbour, Leon Bettenfeld. They make garage doors, so it seemed appropriate to get a deal from him rather than mess about with anybody else. He will price me up a set of garage doors for about 3500 Euros and fit them around April time. Sounds good. He also mentioned that someone had been around measuring the windows about a week ago. This is a good sign. I suppose I could have some windows and doors come April !

3000 Euros from the bank

The bank has admitted it made another mistake and refunded the 3000 Euros to my current account.